Christopher Galtenberg

RT @TheOnion: Absolutely nailed "America will soon be awash in blood and tears" reading during auditions #AlQaedaLeader
Your every marketplace has been flooded with crap, and you'll go broke just trying to reach a basic level of quality. It's true.
RT @daringfireball: Urban Outfitters Rips Off Another Indie Artist:
New book club @TheAtlantic: The Blind Assassin by @MargaretAtwood will be our June @1book140 selection. How to join in:
RT @marwilliamson: The world as we know it is falling apart at the seams, because it's an inadequate container for the truth of who we are.
RT @rubysolo: Very cool: Guy uses Google Books to build a 1906 Oldsmobile (via @wired via @metafilter) #transcendingsteampunk
startup: "a group of people dedicated to a painfully bad idea"
Interesting move, with the #Lakers hiring Kobe Bryant as new head coach.
People who decry use of "God's punishment for" more than happy to roll out "tornadoes are Gaia's punishment for SUVs".
awesome people hanging out together - http://awesomepeoplehangingout...
The Most Interesting Men In The World - Christopher Galtenberg
RT @dailydish: Awesome People Hanging Out Together: A self-explanatory tumblr.
Believing in WTC 7 is just anti-imperialist die-hards believing there's no extreme too extreme for their cause.
They don't think there's a line where the truth ends, because the evil is still plausible. - Christopher Galtenberg
They should be teaching people to think that it is possible. And hence that we should be on guard. - Christopher Galtenberg
But they've fallen into what would be the richest story ever. It's too good not to advocate its probable truth. - Christopher Galtenberg
"If it were true", war and the military machine would come to an end. So why not just skip ahead and imply that it is true. - Christopher Galtenberg
Masters of understatement: "The new material has been described by the band as 'good.'" New Opeth on the way
Even compared to Office 2000, Mac office apps (mail, pages, numbers) absolutely suck. Jobs doesn't give a shit. iPad versions blow em away.
"XML is like violence — if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using enough of it"
Another soon-to-be-satisfied Mac convert RT @wayneeseguin useless piece of ubuntu shies ARGHHHHH
RT @FP_Magazine: Michael Cohen (@speechboy71): Why is the GOP taking the side of a foreign leader against the US President?
Liberate America from Israel. Enough. #bibispeech
Help, @Goldberg3000. I've watched politics for years, and still stuck. Why is our system wholly in hock to this middle eastern Evo Morales?
Man Becomes GOP Frontrunner After Showing No Interest In Government | Onion News Network -
One day an epic metal single is released. The next day, the South Park version…
Liberal turned conservative, Mamet's politics is still brain-dead via @amconmag
RT @PJCrowley: #ManalAlSherif is now in jail in #SaudiArabia for driving while female - #DWF. The #Saudis call it a sin. We should call it discrimination.
RT @hellobuglers: Under-fire cycling legend Lance Armstrong denies Floyd Landis' claims that he rode 2002 Tour de France on a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R.
The internet: yeah right. "We'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Intenet. Uh, sure."
"Atheism" is mainly just anti-nonsense. It would be as much anti- Ptolemaic astronomy, stoning, leeching, witch burning, human sacrifice etc
I'm as interested in the universe, its creation, and what's beyond as any human. I'm just anti-man-made gods and anti-unearned knowledge.
Judging by their commercials, it appears that beer and car companies are ready for the wars to be over. #bathos
It's an iPad -- you know, to explain all about iPads -