Ahmet Soyata

a medical doctor... i will share links about medicine,genetics,technology,gadgets,netbooks,open source,fantasy role playing,rock music,movies,TV series etc.
25 Creative Packaging Designs for Beverages - http://creativefan.com/25-crea...
25 Creative Packaging Designs for Beverages - http://creativefan.com/25-crea...
97 Totally Hilarious and Epicly Weird Wallpapers - http://creativefan.com/97-tota...
Fantastic Works of Art Made From Garbage - http://baneplanet.com/fantast...
Incredible Miniature Landmarks Around the World - http://www.dyscario.com/travel-...
Wondeful Nature Photography By Adam Burton - http://worthstar.com/wondefu...
10 of the Greatest Unresolved Mysteries - http://ubertrivia.com/2011...
"Posted May 15th, 2011 at 1:23 am" - Ahmet Soyata
The World of Warcraft Art by Genzoman - http://www.fludit.com/inspira...
Introducing The Island Paradise Of Maldives - http://baneplanet.com/introdu...
Top 10 Alternatives For iPhone 4 - http://www.zenilshroff.com/top-10-...
Top10.com » News » Android timeline 2003-2011 - http://top10.com/mobilep...
Awesome Pastel Artworks by Vera Cauwenberghs from Belgium - http://www.amazingonly.com/amazing...
Tablet Karşılaştırma - Google Telefon Galerisi - http://www.google.com/phone...
Top 15 Lesser known World Heritage sites - http://listverse.com/2011...
The Evolution of Cell Phone Design Between 1983-2009 - http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009...
Another 12 Cool USB Flash Drives - http://www.oddee.com/item_96...
samsung galaxy ace ile android markete girilebiliyor mu
neden girilmesin ki? - Nucro
şimdi ben samsung galaxy ace ile htc wildfire arasında kararsız kaldım da normalde özellikleri ace in daha iyi . tabi htc nin menüleri ve dış dizaynı daha iyi ama htc türkiyeye android marketi getirdi sanıyordum artık hepsinden giriliyor heralde.. - Ahmet Soyata
karsilasturilacak modeller dahi degiller. dusunmeden ace al. - Nucro
The Colorful World of Birds - http://www.fludit.com/inspira...
The Most Romantic City in Germany - http://www.pausethemoment.com/2011...
12 Useful iPad Accessories - http://www.toxel.com/tech...
Amazing Real Life Robots - http://ubertrivia.com/2011...
Amazing Paintings by Lucia Sarto from Italy - http://www.amazingonly.com/amazing...
Top 10 Rare Animals | Top 10 Lists | TopTenz.net - http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-...
50 After Effect Templates for Movie Trailers - http://naldzgraphics.net/resourc...
aa ne güzel. - Semih Masat™
12 Unique Cases for your iPhone - http://www.toxel.com/tech...
ben begenmedim:( - Fatmanur Erdogan
Top 10 Eco-friendly iPad Cases - http://mylifescoop.com/feature...
hiç bir aleti kılıfla kullanmayı sevmiyorum nedense. - oKoman ❣
Bu cihazları neden inceltiyorlar anladık sonunda. bi kılıf giydiriyorsun oluyor takoz ipad - otomotnet
Creative and Unique Cake Designs - http://creativefan.com/creativ...