RT @AdaptivePath: .@evanwolf We have @ChelseaMauldin speaking on civic #ServiceDervice It's not app focused but it's going to be great! http://service-experience-conf.com/schedul...
RT @danielcawrey: Screenshots show friend-to-friend payments feature hidden in Facebook Messenger http://techcrunch.com/2014...
Re: Princeton Professor Sees Democrats Holding Senate - http://politicalwire.com/archive...
"Do any of the predictions model GOTV? GOTV takes budget, ground organization, and (usually) partnerships with local groups (unions, political clubs, churches) to bring out volunteers." - Phil Wolff
RT @TheBFF: @evanwolf yeah! many devs build FOR twitter. Twitter graveyard = seesmic, twitpic, carbon for twitter… endless list. didn't invent the #tag
RT @Nico: Twitpic is shutting down http://blog.twitpic.com/2014... - Twitter versteht nicht, welche Vorteile ein Ökosystem bietet
RT @kevinmarks: In a coded message warning about algorithmic filtering, @TwitterDev suggests joining a mailing list for timely info https://twitter.com/kevinma...
RT @netzkobold: Free Ebook: "The Beginner's Guide to Growth Hacking" by @ccarfi and @netzkobold #growthmarketing #growthhacking https://t.co/SqDUrfK3br
RT @Ross: Great to see Megan Smith chosen as White House CTO -- and @amac has been deputized! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...
RT @InkTankGirl: My writing soundtrack in drought plagued L.A. http://www.rainymood.com/ via @RainyMood
RT @trishussey: 3 Tips For Picking The Right Project Collaboration Tools For Your Team https://t.co/eH1LR9tsuB
RT @3coastcon: cop who beat up, charged a black man w/property destruction for bleeding on uniforms is now on ferguson city council http://www.motherjones.com/politic...
RT @digiphile: Graph by @Mark_J_Perry MT @jayrosen_nyu @cshirky: Last call: the end of the printed newspaper https://t.co/ZVo2fM0pnM https://twitter.com/digiphi...
Love this on the ongoing unbundling of email's jobs. http://linkis.com/theatln...
Even When Police Do Wear Cameras, Don't Count on Seeing the Footage CityLab http://oakdac.wordpress.com/2014...
Even When Police Do Wear Cameras, Don’t Count on Seeing the Footage – CityLab http://oakdac.wordpress.com/2014...
RT @ReasonableApe: Know the signs of #paleontology before its too late https://twitter.com/Reasona...
RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Our soldiers watch people dressed up like them, violating the very citizenry and freedoms they swore their own lives to protect.
RT @cfarivar: .@oaklandpoliceca update on #ftp protest last night. #oakland https://t.co/mwa7yM2Llt
RT @susie_c: Watching some powerful organizing & leadership from New Black Panthers in Ferguson while keeping this in mind: http://www.splcenter.org/get-inf...
RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Programmers have a hard time relating because they expect to be rebuked in a way they can take the time to examine and define.
RT @StKonrath: A reminder: MT @juliehuz Today is day 231 behind bars in #Egypt for @Repent11 @PeterGreste @Bahrooz - journalism is NOT a crime #FreeAJStaff
My answer to Why do I have the Twitter username @evanwolf? http://www.quora.com/Why-doe... #explainyourusername #homonynity
My answer to Why does highly-regarded Skype analyst Phil Wolff have the Twitter username @evanwolf? #explainyourusehttp://www.quora.com/Why-doe...
RT @mattblaze: It's like they're doing A/B testing of "keeping the peace" vs. "showing who's boss" policing.
RT @woodmuffin: COP: Mr Magritte *holds up photo* is this your wife? MAGRITTE: no "this isnt a picture of your wife?" "yes" "so this IS your wife?" "no" -
RT @heyaudy: omg data gastronomification: http://small.dada.pink/gastron...