Weird private photographs of Hitler practicing dramatic gestures for his speeches "After he saw the negatives, Hitler ordered that the photos be destroyed, but Hoffmann hid them away."
tayyip'in konuşmaya hazırlanmadan önce bakan tokatladığı fotoğrafları da çıkar mı acep bi gün
- Alper Kamu
Bu fotoğrafları görünce aklıma ilk Tayyip geldi. Dediğin o fotoğraflar şimdi çıksa ne gam Alper. Adamı götürecek güç çıkmadı hâlâ :-((
- etesien
bu dünya ne nemrutlar ne firavunlar gördü. rte'nin defterini durecek bir(iler)i çıkacak elbet. bu toplumdan ümidim pek kalmadı ama Allah'tan ümidimi kesmiyorum hiç.
- Alper Kamu
“Consumerism, requiring its products to be both endlessly desirable and endlessly disposable, cannot make sense of art, which is neither.” Eleanor Catton on literature and elitism
O "sesi" dinlerken çok kötü oldum. Paylaştığım diğer platformlarda sizlerin verdiği tepkiyi ne yazık ki göremedim. İnsanlar bu durumu çok kanıksamış olmalılar herhalde...Bu da beni daha fazla dehşete sürükledi...
- etesien
Calabi-Yau, Euler characteristics, and the current state of Theoretical Physics compared to Mathematical and Experimental Results
The Calabi-Yau, with all of its beauty and mathematical inspiration, has been adapted to the Standard model, in the concept that all the elementary particles are divided into only three families or generations.
- etesien
"Hawkins’ alternative model of how the brain works has important implications for many fields, including the one that I spend most of my time thinking about: economic-development strategy."
Hawkins’ alternative model of how the brain works has important implications for many fields, including the one that I spend most of my time thinking about: economic-development strategy.
- etesien
Fwd: Öbür 'Siz' hep size üzülür durur.
Ama öbürü de üzüntülerden beslenerek büyür;
yani işler yolunda.
| Halil Cibran | ( üzerinden)
War is "framed" in the media so as to prevent us from recognising the people who are to be killed as living fully "grievable" lives, like ours. That is the thesis pursued in this collection of reprinted talks and essays written since 2004. One must suffer through densely superficial jugglings of reified abstractions and tics of academic preening (Butler is fond of warning that what she is about to say might seem "paradoxical"), but at length she will arrive at a concrete subject, and there ensue bracing close readings of the pope, Melanie Klein, Michael Walzer, Susan Sontag and poems written by Guantánamo prisoners.
- etesien
The best essay is the excellent "Sexual Politics, Torture and Time", in which, addressing the Abu Ghraib photos, Butler notes that "The torture was also a way to coercively produce the Arab subject and the Arab mind", and advances the impressive gambit: "I want to suggest that a civilisational war is at work in this context that casts the army as the more sexually progressive culture." Elsewhere she excoriates lazy rhetoric about "tolerance" and Islamic "taboo", and deplores in a general way the "inversions of discourse" in warlike rhetoric. This last strand of discussion consists, it seems, of promising, or wishing for, a book that never quite materialises. Perhaps someone else has already written it.
- etesien
George Grantham Bain (January 7, 1865 -- April 20, 1944) was a New York photographer.
Music; Harry Manx / The Thill Is Gone
Album;Wise And Otherwise
- etesien
"...bir teori sadece itinalı argümantasyonu ve iç tutarlılığı tarafından desteklenen ve her yerde hazır ve nazır olduğu varsayılan güç temelinde ayakta kalamaz. eğer tutarlılık ve itina yeterli olsaydı, bugün en çok sofistik metafizikçiler popüler olurdu. bir teori yeni kuşakları da ilgilendirdiği ve onların pratiklerinde anlam bulduğu için hayatta kalır." jorge larrain, tarihsel materyalizmi yeniden yapılandırmak, 1998, s. 11.
- lairocse
Larrain tarafından desteklenmesi pek güzel olmuş. Teşekkürler Lairocse :)
- etesien
"Discussions of the new technology and the book publishing industry these days usually begin at the wrong place, in fruitless arguments over whether the book is going to be obsolete in ten years, twenty years, or whatever..."
- etesien
Currently making 6.93TB of research data available !!!
- etesien
"Sharing data is hard. Emails have size limits, and setting up servers is too much work. We've designed a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds."
- etesien