Ted Gilchrist

The 2nd best audio mashup person in the entire universe. Sometimes called the "Duke of Duct Tape". Sometimes not.
Yeah, but I like to watch DVD's on my MacBook. Do you have anything in that basket for me, Mr. Wizard?
Moveable Weather demo. Don't leave home without it. http://blog.tropo.com/2010...
Uh oh. Appengine is down.
Spelling helpful with two els is not.
Sorry Twitter. Facebook is beginning to steal my heart. I've been meaning to tell you.
Talk-O-Gram now give you a log of all your incoming and outgoing talk-o-grams, with "transcriptions" #tropo http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello
Get Dave and Allison to give you a gentle introduction to http://talk-o-gram.
#talkogram tip of the week: Use Evernote's email facility http://blog.evernote.com/2010... to add Evernote to your talk-o-gram contacts #tropo
In a bid to make trying out Talk-O-Gram even easier, I have enlisted Dave and Allison. Take it away, guys. (720) 235-8976. #tropo
My new philosophy is to build a gentle ramp over the barriers to entry. I bring you Dave and Allison (720) 235-8976
My new philosophy is to build a gentle ramp over the barriers to entry. I bring you Dave and Allison (720) 235-8976.
A warm welcome to my good buddy @talkogram. He's likely to go on and on about http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello, and that's ok. #tropo
Talk-O-Gram. Text your voice. No signup. http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello . Another project from siliconvalet.org Give it a spin. #tropo
Talk-O-Gram. Text your voice. No signup required. http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello . Another project from siliconvalet.org #tropo
Coming soon... Voicemail for people who are available #tropo
Anybody in Boston area know how I can productively dispose of a ton of O'Reilly programming books? I'm going fully digital.
If my case is any indication, then I'd say Google search has revolutionized the writing of code. It's my go-to source for syntactic nits.
From today's Talk-O-Gram marketing staff brainstorming session. "Phone calls shouldn't always have to be conversations." Catchy, eh? #tropo
Jeesh. All they had to say was "Tafadhali kupata mbali basi. Wewe ni gharama yetu muda mwingi na fedha." #03801bomb
Is there anything in the protocol under "establishing communication" about determining the suspect's language ASAP? #03801bomb ? Must be.
What's a good invite code?
Beta testing for Talk-O-Gram begins today. Initially, just friends, family, and internet thought leaders ... #tropo
In a bold move, I am contemplating removing features from talk-o-gram, to leave behind the central nugget of goodness. #tropo
I am hot on the trail of solving the thorny problem of cross-generational communication. Parents please stand by... #tropo
Current talk-o-gram goal. Create messages (via sms text, call back voice message) that my 13 yr old son will take time to open #tropo
Nightmare scenario? Stranded on a desert island with all your Twitter followers.
Por exemple #tropo http://s3.amazonaws.com/talk-o-... I grabbed right after recordig note
I've been playing with http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/mobile on my BlackBerry, and it's getting more useful #tropo, like link to latest note
Got a support email: "This bug has been escalated but is considered low priority for now. " I hate to think what the priority was before.
Twitter BlackBerry app is actually pretty good
On deck for #tropo #talkogram :An "I'm feeling lucky" Google Calendar mashup. Don't touch that dial...