Ted Gilchrist

The 2nd best audio mashup person in the entire universe. Sometimes called the "Duke of Duct Tape". Sometimes not.
Sent first FriendFeed talk-o-gram to myself. Next steps are merge with talk-o-gram proper , implement on twitter, or add sms capability
A moment of geek. Added a find-file-hook function to my Emacs environment. Idea percolated up from long term back burner.
@akalsey My lips are sealed. :-)
Expect Friendfeed talk-o-gram soon #tropo. It's practice for eventual Facebook talk-o-gram. A year from now, you won't leave home without it
Following up on that last point, I'm creating a list of people who I would conceivable send a voice message to. Much shorter list #tropo
So, now I have it so talk-o-gram can list my FriendFeed followers, but in the case of super-popular people like me, it's unwieldy #tropo
Friendfeed authentication close to being ported to my #tropo app. Like I said before, this should work for facebook when they roll it out
@voxeo is in motion, today evidently. Reputed to be some announcements coming.
So when Facebook implementation of OAuth wraps comes out, I'll be there, and an instant Internet sensation. Clever, eh? #tropo
Here's what I'm going to do now. I'm going to extend talk-o-grams to handle Friendfeed followers. I'm betting Facebook Oauth will be similar
@akalsey Hi Adam, it looks like it's actually called the "Friends" category, which GMail calls a system group. Does that help? Thnks- Ted
@akalsey Thanks. I realize I am violating that principle of tweeting that says don't hawk your own stuff, but there it is.
@diamontip Ya got me. I don't think it works from India.
@tropo If you get a chance, take a look at my #tropo app http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello - Thnks.
Theory behind #talk-o-gram is that it's a semi-intimate message category. So I guess what's next is dm's, at replies and Facebook equivalent
@Karoli So you're saying that that remote working is a legitimate way of working? - The Internets (seeking clarification)
@akalsey Our operators are standing by at http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello . Tonight I'll look into putting Voxeo plugs into the mails
For those of you following along at home, PIN validation is now in #talk-o-gram #tropo Send bugs to [email protected]
Stable version is out http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello, but if you want to wait for PIN implementation, that should be by tomorrow or so
I woke up in a cold sweat and realized that there's an ad-supported angle to #talk-o-gram @voxeo Details at 11.
McGwire is like a baseball player on steroids... Wait, he is a baseball player on steroids!
I just send myself a talk-o-gram and the transcription came back perfect: "Delayed opening for wednesday january twentieth" Oh yeah! #tropo
@skram Thanks. Maybe I'll try to put that in during this evening's hack session.
@skram I don't have a good answer for that. Any suggestions? Maybe, adding a PIN number?
By the way talk-o-grams have a viral quality, in a good way. Trade 'em with your friends! #ivr #tropo #talk-o-gram #voxeo
It's probably very rash of me, but I hereby release Talk-O-Grams to the universe http://talk-o-gram.appspot.com/hello #tropo #ivr
#tropo #ivr #talk-o-gram I throw in transcriptions, but to tell you the truth, it's mainly for the comic value. Heck, it's half the fun!
Can't stop working on my talk-o-gram app. If I do say so myself, leaving talk-o-grams has an addictive quality. #tropo #ivr #talk-o-gram
Cuz when reco gets perfected everybody and their uncle will be a voice app developer. #ivr #tropo
Dude. I predict this is the year of voice apps. I'm heartened, though by the fact that reco isn't perfect, so ingenuity is watchword #tropo
#gillmoregang If you want to see some of this speech reco stuff on BlackBerry, check out Vlingo. I paid about $20 to get speech input wherever there is text input. That's also server based