Uncomitted sex and propensity for 1-night stands maybe be genetic http://www.medicaldaily.com/news... DRD4 gene, study size is too small to be convincing
J.P. Morgan bought $1 billion, 50% of London Metal Exchange copper stockpiles WSJ $$ http://online.wsj.com/article... , cornering market fears
China's credit bubble on borrowed time as inflation bites - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance... Inflation 4-5% Vegetables 20% in a month.. stagflation
MathJax | Beautiful math in all browsers http://www.mathjax.org/ via @newsycombinator
Bernanke Is 100% Sure | The Burning Platform http://www.theburningplatform.com/... good skewering of the Fed chariman after his 60 minutes gig last night
Chinese inflation and European defaults by Michael Pettis http://mpettis.com/2010... via @pkedrosky
Hugh Hendry Eclectica Manager Commentary December http://www.zerohedge.com/article... Hugh's writing is amusing enough to make the long read worth it
Kinect Hacks: Shadow Puppets, Turn Invisible, Light Saber, 3D Video, Minority Report http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/discobl...
#ff Misc. Interesting streams @evgenymorozov @lgstream (Louis Gray) @gadyepstein @zunguzungu @HowardKurtz @froomkin @zooko
The 70 Online Databases That Define Our Planet - http://www.technologyreview.com/blog...
Economist Books of the Year - http://www.economist.com/node...
Arsenic-eating microbe may redefine chemistry of life http://www.nature.com/news... - Bacteria in arsenic laced lake substitutes for Phosphorous
Hackers Take the Kinect to New Levels http://www.technologyreview.com/adverti... MediaLab Chrome plugin, DepthJS, using Kinect for browser control
Making Graphene Nanomachines Practical http://www.technologyreview.com/adverti... Cornell team making resonators with graphene sheet on silicon wafer
Federal Reserve bailout data released http://www.federalreserve.gov/newseve... Info on discount window still missing pending Bloomberg law suit
Ireland: Bail-out with a Boomerang http://www.lighthouseinvestmen... or how the Irish people were royally screwed by bankers
Bill Gross with his monthly newsletter on the dismal state of the U.S. economy and gov "Allentown December 2010" http://europe.pimco.com/LeftNav...
Hedge fund manager Mark Hart bets on China as the next 'enormous credit bubble' to burst http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance... via @thepekingorder
Dangers In The Dust: Inside the Global Asbestos Trade http://www.publicintegrity.org/investi... Asbestos still sold in China, India. Brazil, will kill millions
Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; “To destroy this invisible government” - http://zunguzungu.wordpress.com/2010... via @zooko
The First Irish Banking Crisis http://blogs.hbr.org/haque... A Parable on how to survive without banks via @umairh
The Footnote On The Irish Bailout Plan http://www.zerohedge.com/article... Iceland defaulted and rebounding, Ireland screwed just to save big Euro banks
Interview With WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange http://blogs.forbes.com/andygre... Wikileaks may have massive document leak from major U.S. bank early 2011
What Ireland proves: The need for a world without bailouts - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news... via @zerohedge, pretty good ridiculing of IMF bailouts
The Insanity Virus - http://discovermagazine.com/2010... possible link between an infection and schizophrenia via @newsycombinator
Tension in the Koreas - The Big Picture http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
When It’s Darkest Men See the Stars http://steveblank.com/2010... will entrepenuers save the U.S. and West? via @newsycombinator
Confessions of BofA Banker on Rigging Municipal Contract Bids - http://www.bloomberg.com/news... Estimate rigging stole $1 billion from taxpayers
Conversation with Dean Kamen, entrepreneur, inventor http://www.kauffman.org/Infecti... via @pkedrosky
Embedded journalism: A distorted view of war - http://www.independent.co.uk/news...