[liveblog] Hendrik Hertzberg on the quick fix for our Constitutional morass - http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger...
Something positive about Ronald Reagan - http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger...
[liveblog] Robin Sproul, ABC News - http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger...
Progress isn’t what it used to be - http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger...
Fell Weekend Sept. 2014 - 21 - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
In 1968, after Sr. Prom, we went into NYC to see #JoanRivers be funny, and be so much braver than male comedians had to be.
In the Age of the Net, everything looks like a Net. MT @macfound: #galaxies are social creatures http://nautil.us/issue... #astronomy
Dreams are metadata? Interesting! RT @amyburvall: @dweinberger @tomcoates oh no- I think in tweets and dream in hashtags #lostcause
Great! I can cross "Make Tom Coates cry" off my bucket list! Woohoo! RT @tomcoates: (sobs quietly)
Isn't hashtagging dreams proof enough? MT @tomcoates: We need a hashtag for dreams that reveal our lameness. I've been using #iamanerd.
Last night I had a dream the whole point of which was to end on the pun "Soya Labeouf." I wish I were kidding. #ShiaLabeouf
.@Zeynep's post should be required reading for any Net debate where cynics pose as truth-tellin' realists. https://t.co/Z77NoEl8yW #Ferguson
Extraordinary post by @zeynep on algorithmic filtering & #NetNeutrality's importance for events like #Ferguson. https://t.co/Z77NoEl8yW
Good point, @kos: Where's the Tea Party outrage over gov't overreach & tyranny in Ferguson? http://www.dailykos.com/story...
Must-read: @Ethanz in @TheAtlantic on advertising as the Net's original sin. Brilliant. (Also: brilliantly written) http://m.theatlantic.com/technol...
Doggerel celebrating the ridiculousness of the lovable great blue heron http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger...
RT @HistoricalPics: Albert Einstein's final grade certificate that he received at the age of 17. (on a scale of 1-6). https://twitter.com/Histori...
RT @pomeranian99: @kenknudsonken @wikimedia @krelnik @dweinberger @michael_nielsen @suepgardner … to help figure out whether a page is more legit or less.
Excellent conversation @Quora about whether we'd be better off if all spectrum were unlicensed http://www.quora.com/Telecom...
RT @Suw: Interesting look at Amazon’s current pricing shenanigans. It’s about “reducing the gross revenue in the market” https://medium.com/@jakedf...
The loss of starry nights to light pollution is the Earth's biggest filter bubble.
Lend a hand to the @FCC's crowdsourcing of the analysis and visualization of the public #NetNeutrality comments? http://blog.texifter.com/index...
Our pills are multicolored. Why aren't our digital appliance cords?
RT @TheDailyEdge: Happy Birthday, Mr. President! Thanks again for creating more jobs in the 1st half of 2014 than Bush did in 8 years! https://twitter.com/TheDail...
OH PLEASE GOD YES TELL ME HOW @scott_clitheroe: if you want to wipe the smile off Finder's face, that's on you ;)
Brilliant. It says "ten". But it does not say it's the boss of me :) RT @scott_clitheroe: open terminal, and run the command: say "OS X"
RT @griffey: @dweinberger Nope. I have to remind myself every single time I talk about it. Instinct is to always go with X. Esp with OS X 10.10. :-)