Danielle Closs

Web designer/developer/connoisseur from Michigan, US.
And is it really possible to be good at designing and developing at the same time? If so, how would one go about it?
Can someone please explain to me why so many companies want someone that can design like a designer and code like a developer in one person?
I just voted to bring @brworkshop to Detroit. You can vote at: http://buildresponsively.com/
RT @DesignerDepot: Mmmm, goodies! http://www.netmagazine.com/feature... Hot in web standards! (@netmag)
RT @iamkhayyam: Love Yourself As If Your Life Depended On It | http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2012...
Got an #lol out of the messaging on this very dirty truck on my way up north this weekend :) #funny http://twitter.com/anastas...
RT @bokardo: Once you remove what's unnecessary, design becomes a hell of a lot easier.
This is amazing! Artist brush for use with any touchscreen device (watch the demo video on the home page mid-right) http://www.nomadbrush.com
This pretty amazing! Artist brush for use with any touchscreen device (watch the demo video on the home page mid-right) http://www.nomadbrush.com/
RT @FreelanceSw: Looking for a funny distraction, visit Clients from Hell, for hilarious stories about working with clients http://clientsfromhell.net/
“@andysowards: awesome RT @LenKendall The 8-Bit Casts Of Geek Film Favorites - http://t.co/OUytXZWv” impressive :)
RT @eallam: If everyone learned how to code, even politicians, I bet the software patent system would be gone.
RT @daveixd: "The things that will last the longest are the impact we have on one another." @morville #uxlx
RT @NathanaelB: The Psychologist’s View of #UX Design http://uxmag.com/article... from @thebrainlady /via @brucemorrison
RT @andysowards: Mind = Blown. Osaka Station has a Water Clock. you read that right. clock. made. of water. #epic https://www.facebook.com/photo...
RT @Workshifting: How Reading Makes you Better at Life – http://lifedev.net/2009...
RT @smashingmag: A tutorial: Building a Nested Responsive Grid with Sass & Compass - http://viget.com/inspire... #rwd
Leaving the mainstream… | gapingvoid http://t.co/t3SO8GCT
RT @alanstorm: Neat gist from @colinmollenhour for clearing Magento’s configuration cache on production servers without collisions https://t.co/zTaSnez6
Clarity & Purpose By Anthony Robbins - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @onthemedia: "The creative act requires not only freedom but also this assumption of freedom." Rushdie on Censorship http://www.newyorker.com/online...
RT @AmberCadabra: Go you!! RT @melissapierce: Featured on Forbes twice in two days, guess it's the week my projects are meant to shine. http://www.forbes.com/sites...
RT @Techmeme: Flipboard Expands: Adds Audio From NPR, Public Radio & SoundCloud; Introduces Japanese Version... http://techcrunch.com/2012... http://www.techmeme.com/120515...
RT @fruchter: 9 Ways To Be An Expert Without Being An Ass http://www.brasstackthinking.com/2012...
Which side of responsive design are you on? http://www.alistapart.com/article... OR http://www.webdesignshock.com/respons... I think it definitely has it's place.