Dallas Cao

English to Chinese translator specializing in website and software localization. Editor for friendfeed Chinese version. http://dallascao.com/
修改php和mysql的时区 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
Change your php and mysql timezone - http://dallascao.com/en...
陪同翻译小体会 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
是什么隔离了你和国际市场的 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
Free Fleetwood Mac – Little Lies - http://www.lovelyoldies.com/free-fl...
Andy Williams – Moon river - http://www.lovelyoldies.com/andy-wi...
trados workbench 快捷键 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
关于狗粮的调查研究 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
Yechun tea house, Yangzhou, Jiangsu - http://www.kunshanchina.com/blog...
Cicheng township,Ningbo, Zhejiang - http://www.kunshanchina.com/blog...
Heyi Ave. Ningbo Town Center, Ningbo, Zhejiang - http://www.kunshanchina.com/blog...
如何把英文引号或英文字体的引号批量替换成中文引号 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
Simon & Garfunkel – April Come She Will - http://www.lovelyoldies.com/april-c...
Jim Croce – Time in a Bottle - http://www.lovelyoldies.com/jim-cro...
Riccardo :GT4T 评测 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
GT4T review by Riccardo - http://dallascao.com/en...
Beatles-You’ve got to hide your love away - http://www.lovelyoldies.com/beatles...
Kunshan side street, Renmin Rd., town center - http://www.kunshanchina.com/blog...
新增搜索结果点击统计 - http://mysoo.info/blog...
蒙眼搜索上线一个月后的搜索数据 - http://mysoo.info/blog...
在 .htaccess 中使用正则表达式来定义转向 - http://dallascao.com/cn...
Use regular expressions in .htaccess for redirections - http://dallascao.com/en...
首页热词换成百度上升最快 top 10 - http://mysoo.info/blog...