RT @adrianshort: A quick reminder for those who say "it's only metadata": https://twitter.com/pinkfla... #stitchup #surveillance
Reply to @PunkChameleon @christophernies totally legit. We work with about 200 accredited registrars: https://domai.nr/about...
RT @waxpancake: “What the hell am I doing here?” @baconmeteor visits Yemen. http://idlewords.com/2014...
RT @stevesilberman: If you missed it: Rare cat in Himalayas realizes it's being watched. [via @tarahaelle] http://www.ksbw.com/news...
RT @jimmy_wales: Is there a consensus as to the best replacement for RailsCasts, as there have been no new ones in over a year? #rubyonrails
IANA reached 700 official top-level domains this week: http://www.iana.org/domains...
RT @therealfitz: @dnaltews @mattcutts @lessig A long road indeed, but as I've said before: "Don't fuck with the internet."
RT @benadida: OK I'm digging deep. I'll give $10 to @lessig Mayday.us for every retweet I get. Up to $2000. Contribute at https://t.co/Mt4JmsWXgL
RT @goldman: Shady's back, tell a friend https://twitter.com/goldman...
RT @nelson: It's the last day to pledge to help Larry Lessig and friends fight American political corruption. Join #MAYDAYUS https://mayday.us/
RT @dnsimple: New blog post: http://blog.dnsimple.com/2014... - Switching from http://www.authorize.net/ to Stripe.
RT @jomc: Stop Erasing Women from Tech History — my latest for @medium's The Message https://t.co/R7WmzxK7DQ
RT @tedr: NJ dad uncovers huge Iran/BNP front. RT @Mkessome: A Grieving Father Pulls a Thread That Unravels BNP’s Illegal Deals http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @nostarwhere: CNN clip on the "voiceless" Rohingya of Myanmar, featuring no interviews with actual Rohingya...
Hey guys! Be the first to sponsor a new TLD .gear: https://t.co/1mUXJ2UHcK
RT @WillOremus: Solar panels in the 1970s were charmingly spiky and orange. http://www.slate.com/blogs... https://twitter.com/WillOre...
RT @lhl: This seems like a particularly cool/worthwhile (7yr!) project... https://www.kickstarter.com/project... - site has a ton of stuff: http://www.outofedenwalk.com/
RT @mangosquash: Complete I/O Wish List: A way to get rid of this Chrome Notifications icon forever. https://twitter.com/mangosq...
RT @mdlevinson: Oh. My. God. RT @mdudas: This is quite possibly the single most amazing moment in the history of the Fan Cam -- https://t.co/V8093U9kYb
Proud to sponsor @XOXO 2014! http://2014.xoxofest.com
"Protected intersections for bicyclists" — https://t.co/YukkwZk8ui
RT @anildash: "@xoxo is an arts & technology festival, and there’s no reason it should inherit the problems that plague tech." http://blog.xoxofest.com/post...
RT @Agent350: University of Dayton is divesting its $670 million endowment from coal, oil and gas to protect God's creation: http://350.org/press-r...
RT @marshallk: "Anyone who doesn't love Twitter is an idiot," @thehistoryguy tells The Guardian http://pullquote.com/pq/kQA0gX https://twitter.com/marshal...
RT @danieleagee: @mathowie There are even articles written about how he's a real dick. http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
RT @newsycombinator: We have no idea if online ads work http://www.slate.com/article...
RT @scottros: 'Push out the entire catalog without DRM, now, and arm with an "Amazon Refugee" app.' @doctorow on Hachette v Amazon http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
If you enjoy great chocolate, @MiddChoc is worth supporting: https://www.indiegogo.com/project...
“@inconshreveable: There were many names typed into domainr before I saw a little green dot next to http://t.co/ADEH7LBmrE”
RT @Agent350: BREAKING: Oakland, CA becomes the 5th city in California to endorse fossil fuel divestment! http://350.org/press-r...