Bryan Villarin

Happiness Engineer at Automattic /
Phew! I made it to OS X Mavericks. I'll try to be brave when Yosemite goes gold. Thanks for the good vibes! :)
RT @altjoen: Oh look I was interviewed:
RT @automattic: Happiness Engineer @dbeckettnc answers “What are the job responsibilities of a happiness engineer at @Automattic?”
RT @RXBandits: Here's another new song from Gemini, Her Majesty Check, check, check it out!!
RT @saouderkirk: Please Don’t Forget Work Life Balance
Anyone local have a humane TNR trap we can borrow for some feral cats in our back yard? Thanks! #TempleCity #Arcadia
Preparing for an 08:00 PDT ToS training @darnelldibbles — watching the first (free) episode of Girl Meets World from iTunes with Amy
About two hours since my last update. Sounds right! Now, a breakfast burrito before work. \o/
RT @torrentfreak: WordPress Demands $10,000 For DMCA Takedown Censorship
Yay, Amy’s home! My drive to/from LAX was smooth, and it sounds like she isn’t scared of flights anymore. :)
RT @inkedmn: New post: A Tour of My Perspectives in OmniFocus 2 —
RT @alfredapp: A gorgeous OS X Yosemite-inspired theme for Alfred:
RT @markjaquith: “Did you touch the couch with your popsicle hands?” “NO!” “I don’t believe you.” “I WANT YOU TO BE-LEAVE ME ALONE!” Punned by a 4-year-old.
RT @SpeedMagazine: WordPress founding developer Matt Mullenweg visits Manila #speedmagph
Off to LAX (for Amy, not me). She's off to Boston for a few days. Excited for her. :)
RT @helenhousandi: I challenged everybody at #wcphilly to find a question on the WP .org forums and answer it this weekend. You should do it, too.
RT @sellabitmum: As a Woman, I Want to Stay Hidden While Running <- honored to be featured on @blogher today #yesallwomen #runchat
RT @ashthemighty: My partner in crime, @Kiki_Mo, and I wrote 11 Things we Learned in Paris:
84 days since my last haircut. I was saving money. :)
RT @instapaper: Sign up today for a free three month Instapaper subscription, with just $1/month after!
RT @michaelarestad: Anyone have some amazing photos of SF I can use on the 2014 WordCamp San Francisco website?
PayPal, I’d like to use my password manager
PayPal, I’d like to use my password manager -
RT @kev097: .@EFF's excellent Who Has Your Back report is out. @wordpressdotcom gets 5/6 stars.
RT @andrewspittle: A short post about documenting conferences like #writethedocs -
RT @GetSource: Hey, it’s @ipstenu talking about how you can get a WordPress job without learning to code. #wcmia
RT @jeremybrooks: It constantly amazes me that web sites with the most critical data (banks, etc) have the worst password policies.
.@CA_DMV FYI: For the Change of Address online forms, Firefox 28.0 worked. Chrome 34.0.1847.131 did not.