Taken on a path north of campus and east of the Museum of Anthropology. - https://picasaweb.google.com/1153622...
RT @jacobian: Don't Yuck My Yum: https://t.co/PzBcsVp73R — this isn't explicitly about open source communities, but it totally could be. Thanks, @zefrank.
Just realized @dabeaz never contacted me for any release for Cookbook, which means I'm not in it, which means my streak is broken. Damn.
RT @ktopenn: “@cloudysan: This was one of the best talks at #waza - https://t.co/8yS5ukafNd. Check out the session recording too once posted”. @tartley
Glad that's not my bank: RT @jacobian: The very definition of security theatre: https://t.co/rWUcCPRNNN
external hosting of a package == publishing your own index? RT @dstufft: @ncoghlan_dev @brettsky @r1chardj0n3s @alex_gaynor A FUCKING MEN
RT @pycon: Special thanks to @diana_clarke and @guidebook for putting together our mobile app! http://guidebook.com/g... (some changes inbound)
RT @kantrn: This is your periodic reminder that @GrahamDumpleton is a saint for all the nonsense he has to deal with on the modwsgi list.
Visual refresh for #Oplop is now live https://t.co/6PYThyX82N
Huh: '{}.{}'.format('a', 'b') is faster on #PyPy 1.9 than '.'.join(['a', 'b']); #CPython 2.7/3.3 is the opposite
RT @SPARC_NA: .@WhiteHouse has just issued landmark #openaccess directive making all publicly funded research free to access, reuse http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog...
The #oscar android app is still blocked in Canada. Really?!? It's not like it needs localization
http://7.oplop.appspot.com/ is a redo of #Oplop using #jQueryMobile. Don't use since no SSL, but have a look for visuals /cc @dougnap
Resolving a TOOWTDI interface problem for attributes - http://sayspy.blogspot.com/2013...
Why is the Oscars Android app blocked in Canada, @TheAcademy ?!?
Looks like someone took some ideas from my Ph.D. thesis and made @Firebase . Validation! =)
OpenStack project owners, PLEASE specify what Python versions you work with in your PyPI trove classifiers /cc @doughellmann
'cause several ppl flipped last yr when they didn't know we wanted ID RT @jessenoller: reg desk at PyCon details: https://t.co/93um5t09
Antiviral Drugs Could Blast the Common Cold—Should We Use Them? | Wired Science | http://www.wired.com/ http://www.wired.com/wiredsc... (via Instapaper)
The Technium: Pain of the New http://www.kk.org/thetech... (via Instapaper)
Just signed @AndreaMcInnes21 for the beginners programming tutorial by @jessicamckellar at @pycon ; no pressure. =)
I realized that the threaded UI I want for Twitter + ways of grouping ppl is basically G+ threading & circles for Twitter.
Yep, I REALLY want a twitter client that automatically threads conversations so that if I scroll past with j/k the whole convo goes with it
RT @pycon: sold out
Is there a Twitter web app that threads replies so I can navigate by starting tweet only and skip replies unless I read the thread?
Remember to use super() in your ABCs - http://sayspy.blogspot.com/2013...
Just hit #assignedbugs0 on http://bugs.python.org! Let's see if that can last a day.