Brent Logan

Engineer. Lawyer. WordPress geek. Bicycle commuter. Longboarder. Blood donor. Snapshooter extraordinaire.
Re: My Most Used Computer is a Tablet -
"Ah, shoot! I just realized that the Nexus 7 lacks any type of SD slot. With so many of my blog posts featuring pictures I've taken, this is a major failing. :-(" - Brent Logan
My Most Used Computer is a Tablet -
So You've Been Threatened With A Defamation Suit | Popehat -
So You've Been Threatened With A Defamation Suit // Good "advice" I hope I never need. September 26, 2013 at 08:09PM - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Alba, yeah, I see the pattern. What grates on me is how they misuse the equals sign. The first four lines make four false statements, but in a pattern that can be inferred. If one is willing to make one more false statement in the same pattern, then you are correct (yet wrong...) to say 3 = 6. I rebelled against making a false statement, and gave the literally correct statement of 3 = 3." - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Ah, but that's what "they" want you to think. But in my universe, three does not equal six --- three equals three. ;-)" - Brent Logan
Kent's Bike Blog: My most used computer is a tablet -
My most used computer is a tablet // And a cheap one at that. Wow. September 25, 2013 at 05:32PM - Brent Logan
Solve If You Are Genius -
Let Me Tell You About My Bike -
BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News » How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers -
How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers // Just call the NFL a religion and be done with it. September 24, 2013 at 02:35PM - Brent Logan
Re: Happy Birthday, Ashley! -
"Thanks! I'll make sure Ashley sees your comment. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Happy Birthday, Ashley! -
"Thanks. When Ashley took the shot, I volunteered to repeat the pose, multiple times if necessary, just to make sure she got a good one. ;-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2013 -
"Aye, aye, me beauty! b-)" - Brent Logan
The Governemnt's Contempt For You Is A Measure Of Its Impunity | Popehat -
The Governemnt's Contempt For You Is A Measure Of Its Impunity // I should be shocked, but I've become numb. September 19, 2013 at 07:18PM - Brent Logan
Re: Evan Williams on News -
"I like "so much so what." Clever. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Darkening Sky From 1A -
"Thanks so much! Likewise you and your wonderful family. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Fun Friday: What Is Your Myers Briggs Personality Type? -
Re: A View From 2E -
"Thanks! It was indeed a beautiful flight home. A little after this shot, looking across the plane and out the west side, I could see they had a beautiful sunset view." - Brent Logan
Re: Longer Lunch Ride -
"Somehow, I missed your comment... :-( I want to hear what bike you end up getting. 375 miles later, I still love mine." - Brent Logan
Re: My Zimmerman Verdict Reaction -
"A few quotes from the links I posted a little later in the day: A young man named Trayvon died. He didn’t need to die. That is both tragic and sad. (Source.) When left with the proposition that we will never know what "really" happened, the significance is that the prosecution then lacks evidence to prove its case. (Source.) And Winning a civil judgment over a penniless defendant is about as rewarding as having an award-winning blog. (Source.) Thought you'd really appreciate the last one. ;-)" - Brent Logan
Re: My Zimmerman Verdict Reaction -
"Oh, I don't know. There are aspects of criminal defense that I truly miss. One of my favorite questions was, "How can you represent someone who's 'guilty'?" A true teachable moment. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: I Got a New Bike -
"No problem. If you're truly using your bike to replace a car, look how much money you'll be saving. Enjoy!" - Brent Logan
Re: I Got a New Bike -
"Gary, thanks! I love my Sage. :-) Bikes are a great alternative to a car if you're willing to get the clothing that some weather will require. After all, there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes. Additionally, I think a commuter bike should have fenders, a rack, and I'm loving the kick stand. You'll also want to add lights. On to your questions: 1. I don't miss the extra gears. On my mountain bike, I only used the middle chain ring. That's all Sage has. I'd have to walk up steep hills, and the gearing doesn't really work well for over 20 mph. But I find I'm biking largely in the 13-15 mph range and she's perfect for that. Without the front derailleur, the single chain ring can have protective plates on each side. Maybe this keeps your leg cleaner. 2. It's hard to go by just bike weight specs. After all, I attach a pannier to my bike and that becomes part of her mass. And the mass doesn't matter too much on the flat. Sage feels faster than my mountain bike, but she might..." - Brent Logan
Re: Brewster Kahle on Government -
"Unfortunately, there is a difference between "doing their jobs" and "thinking they're doing their jobs." At least, they are best intentioned. The more I learn about my own government representatives, the more I like them. Maybe others' representatives are good, too. There are some that I'm cynical about, but I would bet that could be improved by spending some time with them. I wonder..." - Brent Logan
Not Biking to Work Today -
Don't #Unplug From Technology | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image -
A simple way to regain your life without unplugging. It's worth a try. June 25, 2013 at 09:26AM - Brent Logan
US cycling from a Dutch perspective | BICYCLE DUTCH -
US cycling from a Dutch perspective // Interesting, and right on. June 24, 2013 at 12:14PM - Brent Logan
Mousse Getting Bigger -
The Physics Behind Traffic Jams -
The Physics Behind Traffic Jams June 23, 2013 at 01:30PM - Brent Logan