Brandon Titus

A college student in Denver, CO who dabbles in IT, web and software development, social media, and the outdoors.
RT @tylerhall: Minion for Mac is live! /cc @bradchoate Please report bugs!
If anyone wants a @KeybaseIO invite, I have a few.
Verifying myself: I am bjtitus on BvKwU12GPHMrNRQcbDe9SAc0jDyfzVm-_dzc /
Think I’ll stick with @picturelife over @carouselapp for the time being.
Verifying myself: I am bjtitus on 0N31qN9Lvu59vFFW0PbYKuWCxV9W3znoRZPU /
Definitely enjoyed Silicon Valley. Especially the first 15 minutes.
Now this is something different:
Random selection for WWDC 2014:
Somehow my old Flickr account has gotten into a state where it is no longer attached to a yahoo account and I have to call to get it fixed…
It looks like Square Cash is available in Tennessee now! @seekbus
RT @elakdawalla: RT @CPPGeophysics: See tsunami waves coming in real time on Pisagua Sea Level Monitoring station:
RT @Horse_iOS: We strongly encourage you to adopt Auto Layout in your apps. Very strongly. No reason. We just do. But seriously, a bigass iPhone is coming
RT @jvaleski: The Danger of Wet Floors - this guys' stuff is amazing!
Just spent 30 minutes trying to get a movie from @iTunesMovies to play on an Apple TV. Wonder if this was Jobs' "cracking it".
Verifying myself: I am bjtitus on nHRuTeYY1ToqDDASJt_Sy2NzzsdYAkjGH6vK /
RT @hannibalburess: This is America's Next Great Action Hero
RT @SteveStreza: I was just enjoying space and then Facebook paid way too much money for a thing again dammit
RT @mike_matas: The Beauty of Mathematics. They played this video at the beginning of one of the TED sessions this year. Love it.
Lazify on Spotify is my favorite new find. Just drag in some tracks for a similar playlist.
Ya know, just playing the @Twitterrific Flappy Bird clone.
RT @rcw3: Yay! My first attempt at authoring (co-authoring more accurately) is now available…
Videos from @Prismatic’s Expressive Objective-C Night are up here:
Another day, another language extension because, what else is there to do?
Don is cracking. DB Cooper is coming.
A great series of interviews from @Transom_org. This is Radio
RT @nashcocoaheads: .@toddgrooms will be talking about "Advanced Layouts with Auto Layout" at this months' meeting on March 26.
bjtitus on ABC: Malaysia Airliner MH370 Communications Shut Down Separately -
"You are making two huge assumptions about the pilots "risking their careers": - the pilot(s) deviated from the course intentionally - the pilot(s) planned to return" - Brandon Titus
bjtitus on U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours -
"Furthermore, if this ends up being related to terrorism (especially an attempt to steal a plane) I could see all governments being very careful about leaking information since they wouldn't want to jeopardize the investigation." - Brandon Titus
bjtitus on MH370: BBC have just broadcast this satellite image which Chinese officials believe could be wreckage from Flight MH370. -
"Landsat 4 only has a 30m resolution. These objects would have merely been a discolored pixel. Landsat 7 is 15 for most bands but still probably hard to pick out something like this." - Brandon Titus