B2B Specialist

Founder and CMO of MI6, the b2b marketing agency. Purpose: To help organizations and people be successful. http://www.google.com/profiles/B2Bspecialist
"What Makes Great Content Marketing Storytelling" http://engage.scribblelive.com/Event... | via @scribbleengage
RT @mitchbetts: Study: The Rise of Data Poverty in America: http://fulltextreports.com/2014... via @fulltextreports
[Infographic] An Illustrated Guide to Doctor Who (1963-2013) http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Throwback Tuesday] Portable Laptop, Remington Travel-Riter Deluxe. Pinnedhttp://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
Do your VCs have an uncomfortably high burn rate? Good analysis by @jonsakoda http://www.jonsakoda.com/post...
Professional Journey - Chris Herbert, B2B Specialist - http://www.slideshare.net/b2bspec...
[Discussion] How CIOs are grappling with #bigdata #analytics in Canada. Based on good research by @shaneschick https://www.linkedin.com/slink...
[Good News] "Iowa Man's Rapid Recovery Could Be Medical Breakthrough" http://www.valleynewslive.com/story...
[#Infographic] The Sales Dating Game Has Forever Changed. Customers Just Aren't That Into You http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Chart] US CMOs Believe Customers Prioritize Quality and Service Over Prices (Sep 2014) Pin: http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[#Chart] Top Mobile Apps by Share of Time Spent by Age Group (Jun 2014). Pinned -> http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Content Snack] What Social Channels Are Good for B2B? http://mi6agency.com/wp... <- September 2013 Redux
[Interview] I ask @DawnUmlah from @innovacorp: What should a startup know abt your due diligence/investment process? http://mi6agency.com/wp...
[Content Snack] 5 Social Media Metrics That Won’t Slow You Down http://mi6agency.com/wp... <- August 2013 Redux
My 7 Questions Interview Series: Angels & VCs => 8th interview with @ATKingyens http://mi6agency.com/wp... #SiliconHalton #CoLab
[Content Snack] Communities Create Markets: 13 Tips to Build Loyal Tribes of Brand Evangelists" http://mi6agency.com/wp... <- August 2013 Redux
RT @CoderDojoTo: We are having an open-house code education session for youth this Sunday @ 220 King West (@bitmakerlabs). https://t.co/7g9RhEAzdY @blogTO
[Infograhic] The Ways The Google Car Will Change the World #CoLab #SiliconHalton Pinned: http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Content Snack] 1 in 4 B2B Companies Report Use of Tablets to Aid Sales-Related Activities http://mi6agency.com/wp...
[Content Snack] B2B Marketers Have a Blind Spot: The Buyer Journey http://mi6agency.com/wp... <-August 2013 Redux
.@BlackBerry could become a major M2M player, says CEO John Chen http://www.cantechletter.com/2014... | via @cantechletter #SiliconHalton #CoLab
[Infographic] Stages of Investment Capital Requirements. Pinned: http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Ad from the Past] Drinking on the job implied in this ad? Pinned: http://www.pinterest.com/pin... https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
Picked this up at local flea market. https://twitter.com/B2Bspec...
[Content Snack] B2B Content Marketing Trends 2012 http://mi6agency.com/wp... <- August 2013 Redux
Accelerators aren't improving private capital in Canada http://www.linkedin.com/today... | via @bmann cc: @donwaugh1, @paulsingh, @Brydon
Silicon Halton Open Data meetup/workshop http://mi6agency.com/wp...
[Content Snack] Social Media ROI for Business: Facebook versus LinkedIn http://mi6agency.com/wp... <- August 2013 Redux
[Q&A] Managing Partner & VC @simonchong6365: What’s more important: the idea, the team or both? http://mi6agency.com/wp... #SiliconHalton #CoLab
I disagree with this premise -> Left to Chance: Early Identification and Development of Gifted Entrepreneurs http://www.linkedin.com/pulse...