Anthony Ha

Reporter at VentureBeat, resident of San Francisco, friend to animals
Guys, I just want to say that @griffitherin has the best AIM name.
RT @djsiry: @anthonyha you? pedantic?
RT @kazuomatsu: Awesome idea - Ticketmaster and Facebook team up so you can sit with your friends | VentureBeat via @venturebeat
So @gerryshih is a nominee for "best media personality on Twitter". I'm appalled, but you should vote for him anyway
Watching @larrychiang barbecue at his Y Combinator reject event.
RT @twitter: Within a minute of today's #earthquake, there were more than 40,000 earthquake-related Tweets.
Founder of @Codecademy declares that programming is "the only skill that will matter in the future."
Nice, @gruber is calling out the overuse of the word "finally" and (yes, I've been guilty of this)
I think that my brains will be dripping out of my ears by the time YC Demo Day is over. I hope seatmate @benparr doesn't mind.
RT @joeciarallo: This is a story I always wanted to break @PRNewser: "Five Years in, Twitter Seeks PR Help" Props @abruell @irinaslutsky
RT @jguynn: Human-like robot comes alive aboard space station: A 300-pound humanoid robot was electronically awakened ab...
RIP Facebook Places
Areas near electrical outlets at YC Demo Day are turning into unofficial press areas.
Apologies if anyone got spammy DMs from me, should hopefully be fixed now.
RT @pattonoswalt: Not to panic anyone in NYC, but a screaming John Cusack just drove by in a limo that was missing a door.
RT @IsaacFitzgerald: Just another case of New York City pushing hard to emulate San Francisco.
RT @ktfeola: @griffitherin I love how you just kept conducting your phone interview while everyone else freaked out about the #earthquake
Getting reports from @chipbayers about the "What the hell?" earthquake reactions in @Adweek's office.
RT @DMFreeman: Waiting for everyone in SF to look at NYC and roll their eyes.
My favorite comic book writer @grantmorrison is profiled in Rolling Stone
Oh right, this is what it feels like to have Internet that works.
Can't stop talking with @remoteryan and @alicek about how great Fright Night was. cc @AndiMudd
RT @mbaratz: Deven Sharma stepping down as pres of S&P weeks after agency downgraded US credit. (via @dgelles - nice scoop)
Seriously? Atlantic writer thought Joe Sacco's Footnotes in Gaza was too "polarizing"
RT @remoteryan: Fun/easy 1day challenge: listen only to songs made by friends, wear clothes, look at videos/films, read books & comics only made by friends.
And yes, I know some of you probably have complaints about Comcast. Still -- it cannot be worse than Astound!
Comcast guy is here to install new Internet. Words cannot express how excited I am.
In which @sylviebarak hunts -- and haggles -- for an HP TouchPad
Klout hires its first chief revenue officer
The showrunner of Parks and Recreation directs a Decemberists video based on Infinite Jest. Wait, what?