Those with nothing to hide should feel safer.. as for the rest, I dunno :)
- Jemm
Not really. If they catch and prevent bullies and vandals, what's bad with that? Those behaving good don't really need to care...
- Jemm
Of course it isn't 100% safe way to solve each issue, but gives at least some evidence to start with. No system is flawless.
- Jemm
It's far more insidious than policing school bullying; it's conditioning kids to think that institutional, massive-scale surveillance into our everyday lives is acceptable.
- Andrew Terry
"The president of the United States is not against Egyptian democracy, exactly – but neither is he especially for it." -
john_chandler: Lesson for the day: when figuring out why a test has been failing for the last hour, don't assume it tests what you think it's testing. -
"it turns out that if you stitch together all the little over-the-top McBain movie clips shown in several seasons' worth of Simpsons episodes, they form a coherent mini-feature -- a little Easter egg planted by the fun-lovin' Simpsons writing staff!"
- Andrew Terry
To us, it's an obscure shift of tax law. To the City, it's the heist of the century | George Monbiot | The Guardian -
"Like the dismantling of the NHS and the sale of public forests, no one voted for this measure, as it wasn't in the manifestos. While Cameron insists that he occupies the centre ground of British politics, that he shares our burdens and feels our pain, he has quietly been plotting with banks and businesses to engineer the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle to the ultra-rich that this country has seen in a century."
- Andrew Terry
"No doubt, in the coming days, many more column inches will be dedicated to Julian Assange's battle against extradition to Sweden. His case, however, is the tip of the iceberg. In 2009 more than 4,000 people were extradited under Europe's fast-track extradition system, 700 from the UK alone. This kind of EU co-operation may help in the fight against crime but the benefits of a streamlined system should be weighed against the heavy toll taken upon an individual when surrendered to another state."
- Andrew Terry