Andrew Eglinton

London based theatre researcher, theatre maker and editor of London Theatre Blog
Route. A poem by George Oppen. A real favourite of mine. -
The billboard caption reads “The best future for Britain”.  Here we go again… Photo credits: “The Demolition of Deptford Power Station”. Photograph by Mike Seaborne. 1992, Creek Road, Deptford, Lewisham.  -
Sometimes it’s necessary to pause and take stock, and listen, for example, to the sound of an imagined time. This is the sound of am industrial 1950’s master clock. I made the recording in April 2010, at Senate House Library, 1st Floor. -
Review - Borges and I - by Idle Motion Theatre -
A short seamlessly looped film portrayal of the inexorable arrival of casualties within conflict. Video © David Cotterrell. After two years of negotiations between the Wellcome Trust, Imperial War Museum and Ministry of Defence, Cotterrell was invited to observe the Joint Forces Medical Group at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. -
The BBC Scotland video recording of the National Theatre of Scotland’s landmark opening production, Black Watch. Written by Gregory Burke. Directed by John Tiffany. The show is returning to Scotland (Glasgow & Aberdeen) this year. -
One of my favourite music albums of late. Glen Lyon: A Song Cycle by Martyn Bennett. Try track 7 “A Thearlaich oig (Oh young Charles Stewart)”. Haunting vocal. The piece was used in the National Theatre of Scotland’s iconic production Black Watch to mark the culminating suicide bomb blast that took the lives of 3 soldiers from the regiment in Iraq. -
Oxfam combat climate change campaign poster. Taken at Sidcup train station. April 2010. The first two words of the caption caught my attention. Reverse psychology in action. -
Man lying in street. Philadelphia, PA. 2/2 -
Centrefold page from an old Moleskine notebook. Colour print of a photo I took at the incredibly evocative Abney Cemetery in Stoke Newington, North London. I very much recommend a trip there to anyone looking for places to explore. -
Photo: An old image from Tokyo. A rather literal musing on architectural dynamics.
Every year on the 27th of March, people involved in theatre from around the world participate in World Theatre Day. It began in 1961 under the aegis of the International Theatre Institute, a cultural branch of UNESCO, and has been ongoing ever since. Two years ago, a group of international theatre workers (practitioners, publicists, academics,... -
Israeli defense force. Training session. Jerusalem 2010. -
Israeli defense force. Training session. Jerusalem, Feb. 2010. -
Gaia theory scientist, James Lovelock, addressing climate matters on #R4
Vaultpress = backup service for WordPress blogs
The iPad launch, can Steve Jobs do it again? (Stephen Fry)
Saw The Gods Weep. Riveting 1st half with scathing critique of corporate culture. 2nd half post-apocalyptic sentimental survivalist sh**te.
China's growing wealth gap (via visualeconomics)
World Theatre Day 2010 -
@Dramagirl My goodness, I'm guessing the old cup and paper technique doesn't apply there!
@Dramagirl's audioboo on theatre as a way of life #WTD10
Just learnt a new word: fillip=something that acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.
Author of book I'm reading stopped mid-way through narrative on "Archive Fever" to cite a scene from Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones.
IdeasTap & NYT offering 10 young filmmaker/performers chance to stage A Midsummer Night's Dream in London & Shanghai