
Google当时几乎没人用Facebook,Orkut社交团队中很多人不用Orkut这个产品。Facebook工作的每一个人都是该产品的狂热用户。 - http://internet.solidot.org/article...
日本 Google 的 more Google 活动 13 个炫耀技术的创意视频 - http://www.guao.hk/posts...
50年代 1TB硬盘需要1万亿美元。。 - http://hardware.solidot.org/article...
VoIP decision means Skype now illegal in China - http://english.people.com.cn/90001...
“The Chinese regulator has declared Internet phone services other than those provided by China Telecom and China Unicom as illegal, which is expected to make services like Skype unavailable in the country.” great! - Paul
我也是 很少碰im了 偶尔会用挂在gmail里gt - 骨古头坏死
优酷啊 你上市倒知道要去美国 可笑