RT @hnycombinator: Firejail – Simple Linux sandbox with seccomp http://l3net.wordpress.com/project... (cmts https://news.ycombinator.com/item...)
The Power of Two http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... life, beatles, creativity
Emacs paper by RMS http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... emacs, history
Array.from() http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... ECMAScript 6, web development
Slimmer and faster JavaScript strings in Firefox http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... javascript, firefox, web
Doc Searls Weblog · Snow on the Water http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... internet
postgresql hstore documentation http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... databases, sql
okTurtles/dnschain http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... Software, internet, network
Bill Gates wins the Ice Bucket Challenge with ridiculous machine | The Verge http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... funny
Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices - nixCraft http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... sysadmin, ssh
TCP Stealth RFC http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... computer networking
RT @Techmeme: Microsoft to deliver Windows 'Threshold' tech preview around late September (@maryjofoley) http://www.zdnet.com/microso... http://www.techmeme.com/140815...
Inside a Chinese Bitcoin Mine - The CoinsmanThe Coinsman http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... weird tech
RT @b_fung: GUYS GUYS — new stormtrooper helmets for Episode VII: http://indierevolver.com/2014... via @poetichentai https://twitter.com/b_fung...
RT @dsearls: Humans need not apply: https://www.youtube.com/watch... By @cgpgrey
RT @joewalnes: https://t.co/v2AfI1QKtt Such a simple to make a screen cast of your terminal.
Also last two tweets were my first tweet storm!! 😊
Much when they are out and about? 2/2
Everywhere I go I see iOS devices. Yet their market share is still only 11.7%. Does that mean android users don't use their devices as 1/2
VRT: The Windows 8.1 Kernel Patch Protection http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... windows, computer security
tf–idf - term frequency–inverse document frequency, http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... algorithms, statistic
RT @joewalnes: Amazed at how many responses I got defending Win98. Clearly ActiveDesktop and Channels/CDF every-frickin-where scarred me more than most.
RT @matthaig1: How to stop time: kiss. How to travel in time: read. How to escape time: music. How to feel time: write. How to lose time: Twitter.
The case of the 500-mile email http://blog.scriptingsysadmin.com/post... sysadmin, funny, life
RT @nixcraft: Create file tree without using 3rd party command: find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g' #unix #linux #bsd #osx #tips
RT @hnycombinator: Node.js and WebSocket video broadcasting architecture https://blog.shou.tv/the-tec... (cmts https://news.ycombinator.com/item...)
RT @SaadAmanullah: Thank you #QuaideAzam for giving us #Pakistan Hope we learn to live in peace & make it stronger. #Pakistan . RT pls https://twitter.com/SaadAma...
RT @kurtseifried: Userspace TCP (and UDP) stacks will become more important as we increase density, general tuned stacks such equally, http://www.ndsl.kaist.edu/~kyoung...
Check out the google header on http://www.google.com.pk/.
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