Adam Kinney

Expression Blend and Silverlight Evangelist
Another WinJS / Win8 dev must -> two monitors: one for Metro, one for desktop. The Simulator can help you get by until the 2nd one arrives.
Doing WinJS dev for Win8? Make sure you grok this sucker first -> WinJS.Promise Afterwards, life is good.
I'm starting to read Facebook URIs fluently... too much integration work lately...o_0
RT @rschu: Blogged: One Bitmap to Rule Them All - WriteableBitmapEx for WinRT Metro Style #win8 #winrt #metro #wpdev
VS11 froze, Win8 bluescreened and 3 files were corrupted beyond repair - and I lost about a day of work. Ah, the joys of working on a beta..
Hooray! -> Microsoft to drop Windows Live branding with Windows 8 via @CNET
Oh this is interesting -> an open source Metro style theme for jQuery Mobile #Win8 #Metro
Ah ha! After doing all this WinJS work, I just realized one of the things I'm missing from C# is LINQ. So sweet it is, I want LINQ for JS...
Posted: List of US States in JavaScript object notation
List of US States in JavaScript object notation -