TL;DR - Zoe Quinn, the BBC & #gamergate -
.@RedFoo under heavy sjw attack,make him the #GamerGate soundtrack ! Audio trigger
RT @TheRalphRetort: Any company who implements Wil Wheaton's anti-anon suggestions, is a company I will no longer do business with. #GamerGate
RT @FartToContinue: #OpSKYNET If you lose your Twitter account feel free to notify me so I can get the word out to #GamerGate Everyone should stick together.
RT @GamingAndPandas: "Why does a '#GamerGate is over' article come out every 3 days? Can we put all them on a timeline so we can see how long it's been over?"
RT @Nero: Labour is losing because it has replaced the working class with feminists
Daniel Hannan on EU's £1.7bn demand from UK -
RT @FoxAndAHalf: A Conversation with a AAA Concept Artist @Sargon_of_Akkad Live stream #GamerGate #FreeNero
RT @GamingAndPandas: If you can't trust people to handle something "insignificant" ethically, how can you trust them to handle anything significant? #GamerGate
RT @yuriscience: @CHSommers @RawStory Many of us have been apolitical before this. The authoritarian left taught us all we needed to know to fight back.
RT @AdamBaldwin: @scottekaufman There will be no parade, if that's what you mean. But, Pro- #Gamergate has clearly won this skirmish in the long culture war.
RT @AdamBaldwin: @scottekaufman Millions of young people now easily recognize the political jargon/attacks from the authoritarian Left. It's a breakthrough.
RT @DanHannanMEP: Those taking Brussels cash include NGOs, charities, green groups, trade unions, councils and, of course, the CBI.
RT @DanHannanMEP: Labour has noble achievements to its name. Sad to see it become a pressure group for public sector trade unions.
.@Sargon_of_Akkad @mundanematt @jackconte please be #FreeSpeechTreon !
RT @TrustedTrevor: A couple of SJWs have a scarily lucid moment #GamerGate
RT @Angelheartnight: I doubt you'd feel that way if a man had JOKED about marking down games if they had women in Ms Alexander #GamerGate
GamerGate Sings - Shill Alive -
RT @georgieonthego: So tried to do my GamerHater vs GamerGater Podcast about Mattie Brice and the GamerHater just rage quit. Should make interesting listening
RT @TheRalphRetort: They are trying to silence me for speaking out about the horrors of radical feminism & journo corruption. #GamerGate
RT @Ash_Effect: If my future kids ever ask why people so dislike feminism, I'll show them this picture. #gamergate #NotYourShield
RT @JakALope044: Just as #GamerGate/#NotYourShield supports genuine diversity of ethnicity, gender, & sexuality, so we support genuine diversity of ideology.
RT @milky_candy: Nick Denton Spotted in Cayman Islands #GamerGate well well well.......
RT @magicalvidyacat: #GamerGate deniers: seeing only "a token gay" because they have a blocklist in place, then denying there's lot of us.
RT @mylittlepwnies3: "#GamerGate is about harassment"
RT @Totalbiscuit: I'd love to see Valve take action against those that would abuse copyright law to censor criticism. Those games should be removed from Steam