Jing ®

Veni, vidi, vici - by a cat https://t.co/K5C7BdAApC
agricultural cyberpunk 🤪 https://t.co/tnNOXAwW4j
中东和巴尔干有类食物,我总结为“都是卷” 和 “都是塞“。Sarma,意思是卷,Dolma,意思是塞。都是卷用葡萄叶,白菜叶等叶类,都是塞用青椒、番茄、洋葱、茄子、西葫芦、土豆等挖空。填充米饭,牛羊肉糜和番茄酱调味。感觉葡萄叶卷的… https://t.co/aKaawou9Yu
带父上大人上街,步行至桥上,有人朝人流反方向奔跑。又见三三两两的路人惊恐状奔走,其他人却面色如常毫无异样。后发现前方有粉红色巨人状僵尸追击,于是遁入体育馆躲避。父上大人体力不支,气喘如牛,体育馆广场上人群在跳舞,于是带着父上大人混入跳舞的人群。猛然惊醒,上班要迟到了…… #记梦录
😱😱😱😹😹😹 https://t.co/3hwgkQAPMa
Remember the slogan painted on the wall few days ago? “It just happened he was not your child.“ It is time to retur… https://t.co/YXlRqkA6KR
Let’s feel the same empathy, let’s be better. It doesn’t weaken what we stand for. These radical protesters still n… https://t.co/hVALwxNDNc
Considering multiple escalation fuelled by fake news from “pro-democracy” side in past few months, rumour such as 8… https://t.co/6pBkRiiM9Y
“pro-Beijing unionist” “putonghua-speaking” (not even mandarin speaking bcz putonghu emphasises mainland connection… https://t.co/D6nzsht6Mg
RT @diaodiao_yang: Very frustrated by the "Chinese people are just brainwashed & anti-democracy" framing I saw on Twitter in the past few m…
给被火烧的李伯的捐款链接。 Just in case anyone needs it, this is the donation link to help the men 李伯 (Uncle Li) who was set in… https://t.co/rN80250X9F
Turkish shadow play Karagöz. 土耳其皮影戏Karagöz,据说由埃及传入。Karagöz意思是黑眼睛,是一个性情直率没啥文化一心想发财的土耳其平民,和他对手戏的是Hacivat,受过高等教育冷静的鄂图… https://t.co/m0CMbmQ9Ow
RT @chenchenzh: NYT report sends subtle shock waves through the firewall. Weibo users pay tribute to Wang Yongzhi, the former official who…
虽然宣礼塔本质就是村干部在村头喊大家回去做思想汇报,但什么东西用大喇叭一喊都会自带崇高感。要是几个大喇叭交相呼应,此起彼伏,自带节奏腔调,那就真的还蛮好听的了。 #宣传的美学
爱BB Wi-Fi 😂🤣 https://t.co/PsTmajX9pe
A cat with dignity outside Hagia Sophia. 索菲亚大教堂外自带气场的喵 https://t.co/emiTLCjJdp
A bookshop full of programming books in Istanbul. 土耳其版码农之家 😅 https://t.co/eUDob7JABC
This is truly devastating news. Early report of this event https://t.co/CxeLc2VOlV https://t.co/PmyZGh29ta
RT @edgingtont: Some claims and counter-claims today around Labour's 4-day working week policy. Here's our @BBCRealityCheck take: https://t…
之前说什么对群众是human nature不能以和政府同等要求对待,根本不能用来defense运动中的某些暴力。约束政府是公法,群众是私法,不能对同为群众的人打骂侮辱,私了绝对不可以。这点基本法治意识都被抛弃,结果就是文化大革命里的群众斗群众。当然,现在都是号称革命了,那就革吧。
This is why. Mainland student got beaten by local students inside the campus. Mainland professor’s office got smash… https://t.co/eocMU26TrD
这个我赞成 😂 https://t.co/Jx8QGDMwAa
Yep even woman. She must stood in their way of freedom and democracy 🤷‍♀️ https://t.co/fhEHYNACLR
Lynching on bystanders/mandarin speakers is so prevail, ppl can’t even be bothered to retweet any more. But hey, th… https://t.co/lfE5gRO7s8
Keep on pushing this stupid narrative, shifting all the blame to the other side, as if protesters have no fault to… https://t.co/SHG5qpTpa6
Not even basic human decency? https://t.co/eYjt1bud0Y
True for what? True for keep on justifying city wide violence? People must be delusional for keep on believing this… https://t.co/QjvD0XmLbq
No need to look forward anything. Police who fired live rounds should be put to immediate suspension and investigat… https://t.co/HT74SizOQH